Dis-ease and Disease.
Apparently, I've been thinking about word association, synonyms and distinctions lately. We are so clothed with meaning in our society that describing how words are meant makes people feel dim and naked. I picked these two words this week because of my recent research on how a soul can hurt.
Dis-ease seems the direct unhappiness of mind and soul. The in between, the body, is what gets the disease. I read an article on hypertension, which my mom died of in September of this year, and her death certificate noted the years from onset to death. The article states that hypertension eventually leads to numbness of limbs and and possible loss of said limbs. Mom suffered with this for thirteen years.
I've also read that being fucking miserable can manipulate cells into becoming lathergic.
Some doctors pass off dis-ease and cover the soul ache with prescription pills.
We can recognize dis-embalance in someone when they're feeling down, not themselves, ECT. We dimly acknowledge when dis-ease becomes chronic depression.
Listlessness, living life but not living in it as it were.
Disease, while unpleasant and often hereditary, feels of the "old world." When I say "old world" I refer to an old way of thinking. People got sick through mass plauges without the luxury of complaining about how they felt inside, ie; their emotions.
Then there's the primal urges that go even farther back. The urges of freedom/escape and the universal want for Love. These are the impulses that motivate "new world" dis-ease. When people feel trapped in their lives with no way out due to, oh, let's say, financial dependency, their hearts race, an inner panic is created and I suppose a hypertension could follow. When someone longs for Love, their soul aches and perhaps they'll never be at ease until a balm will soothe what they're missing.
Our lives are driven by primal desires. Our diseases seem to hit ever few generations. Dark ages, world wars, and the childhood cancers, breast cancers and prostrate cancers of the now are part of our human history. Dis-ease rides alongside physical disease as a mental Blindspot.
If I've left anything out, please share in the comments section. I love to hear people's thoughts on what else could be added or contributed to this idea between the two words of physical and perhaps soul illness. Emotions towards this subject welcomed.
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