Monday, October 10, 2022

A Very Tough Decision, but I HAD to do it.

     When I read Dante's "Inferno" I felt the need to do a book review of the Cantos I'd somehow fallen in love with. I really appreciated a certain type of platform that I could showcase my skills on around the time I shelved this particular blog. Going back after a couple of months to finish a thus far Four-Part blog series of my "Inferno" book review, I lament to say that the platform had undergone a website update that somewhat left my previous work something left to be desired. I think a recharging facelift is in order! Afterall, I didn't drain a year's worth of work into a masterpiece for nuthin'!

    While I must thank my readers here and now for sticking with this book review of mine for over a year, I had no hesitation to scrape together what I could salvage and repost it here on Coyote Conscious.

The following posted will be somewhat edited though not by much; it is mostly some YouTube links and certain Lines from book comparisons I've researched that went missing from my original posts. 

    I feel I can maximize my final entry of Part Five on this platform in a more easily accessible way for my readers to experience what Dante recorded during his visit into Hell. 

                                           BUT FOR ALL YOU LOYAL FOLKS, KEEP READING!

    One morning last week, I logged into this blog account to discover that a number of readers had viewed and shared posts from 2019/2020. 

    I thought to myself, "Welcome to fall, ya'll!" As I write this on a cool autumn day in a Halloween decorated Reno, Nevada, I can only imagine the anticipation that I feel for those reading a Hell inspired book review in one fun size bite. I will be pleasantly relived on the day when Part Five is published in the near future. I've even lit an acorn-scented candle to set the mood and mentally move forward into the blog content transition from one platform to another. But wait, there's more!

    There's a bonus aspect! The rest of the year gets better from here! 

    I was able to escape the sweltering muck of nearby forest fires and the heavy dense haze of smoke for a short vacation to the Gold Coast of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia last month. I dipped my toes in the inner-city lagoon of Streets Beach and cruised through outdoor malls and breweries almost completely on foot. Although I didn't spot any marsupial werewolves, I was content with the possibility that I could write about my experiences and brush with greatness by finishing my "Inferno" book review masterpiece. While there, I stayed in a relatively large high-rise one-bedroom apartment building. It was there and then that I realized, I am seriously in love with traveling and writing about it. 

    Sharing my work through content creation and writing about travel experiences are what I want.


Hang tight for weekly posts all month long!

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